[ESS participants]

ECRYPT Summerschool on Multimedia Security

21-24 September 2005, Salzburg, Austria

ECRYPT is the IST-2002-507932 European Network of Excellence in Cryptology.

Please check the news section for latest information.

9th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security

19-21 September 2005, Salzburg, Austria

CMS 2005 is the 9th working conference in Communications and Multimedia Security. It is a joint working conference of IFIP TC6 and TC11.

Conference and summerschool are jointly organized by Andreas Uhl (Salzburg University, Department of Scientific Computing), Jana Dittmann (Magdeburg University, Advanced Multimedia and Security Lab), and Stefan Katzenbeisser (Munich Technical University, Computer Science Chair VII).